26 Simple Meditation Tools and Techniques

Anyone can meditate when they have the right tool or technique.

Let’s find yours so that you can improve your sleep,
your mood, and your energy.


Meditation Simplified mini-course

Improve your sleep, your mood, and your energy. Even if you’re new to meditation, or have been trying it for years without enjoying the benefits.

With this mini-course, you’ll learn new tools and techniques for meditation that can be done at any time of the day.


How it works for you

You may feel like your life has too many interruptions or distractions for you to meditate.
But there is a tool or technique that will work with your busy life.

Interruptions are okay

You finally find the time to meditate and you get interrupted.

Whether it’s your kids, your phone, your thoughts, or your to-do list… interruptions happen.

You don’t have to let them be a reason why you can’t meditate, I can teach you different tools and techniques for using interruptions as part of your meditation practice.

Inside Meditation Simplified you’ll also learn different tools and techniques that you can practice anywhere–standing in line, at the park with your kids, even in the middle of downtown with the noise of the city all around you.

There's no "right" way

You’ve been trying to practice meditation but feel like you’re doing it wrong.

Meditation is more than mantras or guided visualizations. I want to share 26 different meditation tools and techniques with you so that you can find one that feels good.

You may need to let go of what you think meditation should be so that you can use it in your own unique way.

Inside Meditation Simplified I share with you what meditation is and what it is not so that you can finally start experiencing some of the incredible benefits.

Sit still or don't

You can’t find the time to sit still, and even if you do you can’t concentrate for long.

You don’t need to overcomplicate it or continue trying to force yourself to meditate in this one specific way.

If you’ll allow me to share 26 unique meditation tools and techniques, it will open a world of possibilities.

You can even turn other activities into a meditation practice that works well for you.

Meditation isn’t meant to be one size fits all, it’s meant to be something you come back to again and again to practice.

Monica Le Baron siting with her hands on her head for Meditation Simplified mini-course

Introducing the
Meditation Simplified

Improve your sleep, your mood, and your energy. Even if you’re new to meditation, or have been trying it for years without enjoying the benefits.

With this mini-course, you’ll learn new tools and techniques for meditation that can be done at any time of the day. 

Examples of what you’ll learn:

  • How to use simple mudras in the middle of a work meeting to shift your energy.
  • How to use distractions and noise as part of meditation practice.
  • How to create inner peace at any moment of the day.

In this mini-course, I’ll guide you through 26 different meditation tools and techniques so that you can start feeling the benefits of meditation.

“When you meditate, you may clear away the information overload that builds up every day and contributes to your stress.” (Mayo Clinic, April 2020)

I know how powerful meditation can be, which is why I’ve simplified it so that any woman can access it.


Meditation can benefit your mind, body, and soul during the practice, and throughout the rest of your day. 

Monica Le Baron practicing meditation in the sand to simplify wellness.

Some of the benefits include:

  • Feeling a sense of calm.
  • Increasing your patience.
  • Reconnecting with yourself.
  • Being present in the moment.
  • Releasing negative thoughts, feelings, and sensations.
  • Improving concentration and focus.
  • Gaining a new perspective on something.
  • Reducing stress and anxiety.
  • Increasing your creative energy.
  • Quieting intrusive or racing thoughts.
  • Improving the quality of your sleep.

It’s time for you to find the style of meditation that works in your life. You deserve to experience the benefits that meditation can bring.

What clients are saying

“I really like how simple but powerful all of Monica's tools are.”

- Ellen C.

“Monica's teachings and the tools she shared are all so clear, simple, and effective - I look forward to keep adding some more of what we learned slowly into my daily life. Muchas gracias!!!"
- Alicia E.


What's included in the
Meditation Simplified mini-course?

Basic Overview:

  • 3 preparation videos.
  • 27 video lessons.
  • 30-days of lesson prompts.
  • PDFs for downloading.
  • Links to additional resources.

30-day challenge for inital learning

The Meditation Simplified mini-course is organized into a 30-day challenge so that you learn one new tool or technique each day for 30 days.

This is the best way for me to share all 26 tools and techniques with you so that you can experience them and identify the one that works for you.

Day 1-3 will be preparation videos to help you set goals, plan how to celebrate your progress, and set yourself up for success.

Day 4-29 will be video lessons that teach you about a meditation tool or technique and how to practice it.

Day 30 will be a celebration of how far you’ve come, a reminder to choose the meditation tool and/or technique that works best for you, and a trick that I used to create the habit of meditation in my own life.

All of the videos will be hosted on an online platform for easy access, and you’ll receive one email each day of the challenge with important information or tips and a link to that day’s video lesson.

One-year access

After your 30-day challenge, you’ll be able to continue using the tools and techniques that work best for you. Of course, you can go back to the video lessons anytime over the one-year period to learn more at your own pace or be reminded of the different tools and techniques you can try.


  • 30-day challenge calendar to help you stay organized and accountable.
  • Meditation calendar for you to track your progress as you move forward in your meditation journey.
  • Progressive 1 - 30 minute meditation calendar.
  • Habit tracker for long-term meditation goals.

Meet Monica.

hola hola!

I’m Monica. I’m a yoga therapist who is passionate about simplifying wellness so that busy women can feel rested, restored, and rejuvenated.

My favorite wellness practices to simplify include quality sleep, stress management, meditation, and mudras.

Meditation has the power to heal, restore, and rejuvenate every soul. I just wasn't sure how to help busy women incorporate it into their lives if it didn't seem to fit for them, until now with my Meditation Simplified mini-course.

Monica Le Baron, the yoga therapist of Meditation Simplified staring out a window

I turned to traditional meditation during a very difficult time in my life and it changed everything. I forced myself to sit and breathe for one minute at a time, eventually adding minutes until I could sit in silence for 30 minutes at a time.

My mood improved, I started sleeping, and I had gained this amazing tool to keep in my pocket to reduce anxiety whenever it crept back up.

I started sharing my experience with other women and encouraging them to use traditional meditation too. But what I found was that many of them felt like they couldn’t meditate because they had kids, or they couldn’t sit still long enough, or they just didn’t like sitting still in silence.

Deep down I knew that meditation had the power to heal, restore, and rejuvenate every soul. I just wasn’t sure how to help busy women incorporate it into their lives if it didn’t seem to fit for them, until now.

Monica Le Baron brewing tea and using a tool from Meditation Simplified

Recently, I began to understand that meditation doesn’t need to be something done sitting in silence. That is only one technique.

I realized that I had actually been meditating long before I even knew what meditation was. Around twenty years ago, gardening was my meditation. I would get outside and be there for hours, working in the garden, and I’d come back feeling happier. Knitting and drawing were meditation techniques for me as well.

When we release the ideas we have in our heads about what meditation should look like, we’re able to open ourselves up to all of the other meditation tools and techniques that exist.

I put together this mini-course with a 30-day challenge to guide you through 26 different meditation tools and techniques that all have the transformative power of traditional meditation.

The key is finding the tool and/or technique that works for you. Let’s get started.


Questions About The Mini-Course

Who is this mini-course for?

Women who live busy lives and want to find out how to make meditation work for them. It’s for women with meditation experience and also complete beginners.

How do I access the course?

You will access the video lessons from a Kajabi account. The 30-day challenge portion of this course will be delivered to the email address you use to sign up.

Is there a time limit for accessing the course?

The 30-day challenge portion of this course will be delivered only once. After that, you will maintain access to the video lessons from your Kajabi account for one year.

How long is the mini-course?

There are 3 preparation videos and 27 video lessons, which means 30 videos total. Each video is between about 5-20 minutes long depending on the content. The 30-day challenge portion of this course will last for 30 days and may include follow-up emails.

Questions About Meditation

When is the best time to meditate?

Meditating in the morning is a beautiful way to begin your day, but that’s not attainable for everyone. What matters most is that you find the time that works best for you.

Where is the best place to meditate?

This depends on the meditation tool or technique that you choose to use. Some will be best practices in a comfortable and quiet environment, while others can be practiced almost anywhere.

What should I wear to meditate?

Anything that you feel comfortable in will work.

How do I find the time to meditate?

When you’re getting started, you can try to anchor a meditation practice to another habit that you already have in place. An example might be after you turn on a pot of coffee, or after you get out of the shower. Be kind to yourself on days when you don’t meditate. This isn’t meant to be one more reason to add stress to your day.

Find your meditation technique.

Even if you're new to meditation, or have been trying it for years without enjoying the benefits, the Meditation Simplified mini-course will help you find the tool or technique that works best in your life.

It's time for you to find the style that works for you so that you can experience the benefits of meditation.