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Sleep Simplified

Sleeping well doesn’t have to be a dream anymore

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About Monica Le Baron

hola hola!

Hi, I’m Monica.

I simplify wellness for busy women so that they can get better quality sleep, have more energy to enjoy life, and unlock powerful self-healing.

I’m a trained and certified yoga therapist who is passionate about sharing the transformative possibilities from simple acts of wellness.

I used simple yoga therapy techniques to heal myself from being anxious, chronically stressed, and suffering from insomnia and pain. Short routines of simple yoga therapy techniques helped me become more aware of my body, create a feeling of calm when needed, fall asleep at night, and feel rested in the morning. It was life-changing after so many years of insomnia!

Now that I know what’s possible from simple yoga therapy techniques, I help other busy women create their own unique wellness recipes using simple tools and techniques that work for them in their lives.

Avocado hugs,



Learn how my Sleep Simplified program can help you get abundant energy to enjoy life, in 30 days or less.