8 Tools to Keep Your Mind Sharp During Difficult Times
Photo by Ale Saldaña
It’s another beautiful sunny day outside. It’s a perfect day to invite friends over for some beers and tacos. Sadly, this is not going to happen for the next couple of months or so because as good citizens, you and I are both staying home to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
If you are one of the lucky ones, for the past two weeks you have been waking up, working, socializing and everything in between in the same place. This might have felt okay for the first few days, you had the time to binge-watch “Game of Thrones,” spend time with your kids and finally sleep in.
But now it’s important to stay grounded, positive and keep your mind sharp in case critical decisions need to be taken. Besides washing your hands a million times, and staying six-feet apart from the pizza delivery guy, consider the following tools to help you cope with COVID-19.
Prioritize the most important activities in your day, release anything that is not crucial right now. Give yourself permission to do less, and be flexible with whatever comes up. Create a schedule that includes your work tasks, meals, family time, and self-care activities.
Create a morning routine to help you feel energized and motivated during your day and set time to unwind in the evening so you can get the best quality sleep possible.
Getting your thoughts on paper might be one of the most beneficial activities during this quarantine. It’s especially helpful when you write them first thing in the morning as recommended by Julia Cameron in her book, “The Artist Way.”
Writing three pages in the morning can help you release anger and frustration, to keep a clear and sharp mind, and to get your eureka ideas on paper so you don’t forget them. I have been using this tool for the past five years and it works great. It’s simple and effective.
You don’t have to be a monk and sit for hours. You can start by sitting in silence for one minute and adding one minute a day until you can do it for 15 to 30 minutes. Meditation isn’t about making your mind blank. Instead, meditation is about focusing your mind on something, like your breath or a positive affirmation (mantra). If you're new to meditation the HeadSpace app can be a great tool to start with.
It’s crucial to reset your body during sleep. Sleeping well will help you stabilize your nervous system and reduce anxiety during this stressful time. If you’re having trouble falling or staying asleep at night, Yoga Nidra is a sleep gem that not a lot of people know about. Some yoga practitioners claim that 20 minutes of this guided meditation equals two hours of sleep.
Download the Insight Timer app to get thousands of Yoga Nidra guided meditations, and music to relax to and unwind for free.
Notice the feelings and emotions that might come up. Honor them. Take some time to digest this pandemic crisis and your new living or working conditions. This is the time to be humble and ask for help. We are all in this together, and as much as you would like to help others you can also receive support from family, friends, therapists, and experts. There are many options to get this support online (e.g. yoga therapists, reiki practitioners, psychotherapists, online business coaching, etc.)
Stay connected with loved ones and mother earth. Appreciate the people around you and your natural surroundings. Take the time to send voice messages and videos instead of texting.
Once a week take a solo walk to reflect, get some air, and to notice whatever comes up.
Create a list of things that give you joy and plan for the future. Your immune system boosts when you’re happy, this is the perfect excuse to set time to listen to music, paint, or learn a new skill. I like the Duolingo app for learning languages and Lynda.com for business skills.
Trust that the Universe has your back. Trust the timing and trust that better times will come. Soon you will gather again with your loved ones and creative ideas will blossom.
In times like these is when the real transformation happens, together we will rise stronger than ever.
This too shall pass and until it does, stay grounded, sleep well and keep your mind sharp.
* Disclaimer: No content on this post or site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinicians.
NOTE: This content was originally written for the northamericanproject.com