5 Ways To Use Coloring To Prepare Your Mind For Sleep

By Mackenzie Bakewell

Drifting into dreamland can be a luxurious and delightful experience. Yet so often, our minds are abuzz with activity preventing sleep from happening naturally. 

That’s where coloring comes in. 

Coloring can be an effective tool for helping your mind unwind, lowering stress levels, and promoting a sense of calm. 

#1: Slow Down and Sink into the Now

The act of coloring naturally draws you into the present moment. To tap into this relaxing state more fully, use only a single color. This helps increase your focus on the present by removing the need to make decisions about color selections. 

Trace the lines of the design, moving your hand as slow as you can. Allow your mind to harmonize with this smooth and tranquil speed, inviting yourself to ease into sleep.

#2: Celebrate the Wins + Let Go of the Woes

Start with a warm color, such as red or orange, and pour your worries onto the page. Then, switch to a cool color blue or green and feel the joys of your wins from the day. 

Coloring in this way can hold space for you to think, giving yourself a chance to consciously acknowledge your thoughts and then set them aside for another time. 

#3: Generate Feelings of Gratitude

Coloring before bed can be used as a time to focus all thoughts in your head toward things you appreciate. 

Pick a Red, Yellow, and Blue then assign each color something you’re grateful for. As you color, allow the act of coloring to activate your imagination and focus your mind’s entire attention on feelings of gratitude. 

This can help to shift your focus away from ruminations that may keep you awake. Let the act of expressing gratitude while you color fill you with a sense of peace and calm.

#4: Cap off Your Day with Creative Play

Coloring as a form of creative play before bed can help release built-up energy or tension. Throw all caution to the wind and just have fun putting colors onto paper. Experiment with combinations you might not normally use and allow yourself to laugh and be silly. 

This is a way to turn coloring into a form of evening entertainment that is calming and centering, which helps still the mind and prepare the body for rest. 

#5: Tune into You

Focusing on simple, repetitive motions can help to put a pause on the constant stream of external stimulation and give you a chance to look inward. 

Ask yourself, “What color do I feel like today?” or “What color do I want to feel like?” This is a way to connect with your inner self that removes all labels and focuses on non-judgemental observation. 

Enjoy the Experiment

Remember that coloring for sleep is all about the experience itself. Remove any worries about how the art turns out, and focus instead on consciously cultivating the thoughts in your head. 

Select a coloring book you’re drawn to and a collection of favorite pens or pencils. Then use these ideas as a launching pad to create your own coloring practice that helps you prepare yourself for a wonderful night’s sleep. 

Would love to hear what tool you found more helpful, please share it in the comments below.

Mackenzie Bakewell is a multimedia artist and author. She is the creator of Journey of Colors, an all ages coloring book product line, and the author of Coloring is Good for You: 13 Reasons to Color Daily. To check out Mackenzie’s coloring books and more, visit JourneyofColors.com.